Michael Raduga
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
Diez cuentos de hadas originales y educativos para enseñar a los niños y a sus padres a controlar sus sueños y a utilizar sus capacidades para lograr una serie de objetivos en la vida cotidiana.Desde la infancia, crecemos acostumbrados a pensar que los sueños son una sucesión trivial de ilusiones sin sentido en los que se nos priva de voluntad propia. Michael Raduga, autor de los escandalosos Cuentos de Hadas de Fasieland, lo ve de otro modo....
"Reign of Dreamers: Elizabeth's Mystery" is a story of love and mystery.After surviving a bloody raid by fierce mutants, a twist of fate brings orphaned country boy Thomas Yourg to Parthagon, the kingdom's forbidden capital. All inhabitants of the ideal city are happy and wealthy, and their entire lives revolve around a mysterious practice. Now a grown man, Thomas dreams of becoming a knight in order to avenge his family's murder, but his path is...
Dez fábulas originais e educacionais para ensinar as crianças e seus pais a controlar seus sonhos e a usar suas habilidades para alcançar vários objetivos na vida cotidiana.Desde a infância, acostumamo-nos a pensar que os sonhos são sucessões triviais de ilusões sem sentido, em que nós não temos livre-arbítrio. Michael Raduga, autor das impressionantes Fábulas da Fasielândia, discorda. Como fundador da Escola de Viagens Fora do Corpo,...
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
All my life I sought an elegant solution to one odd riddle. I sought it from Siberia to California, from the field of neurophysiology to quantum physics, and in illegal experiments on thousands of people. But the answer I found sent me into shock and changed my entire perception of reality. Unlike others, I offer not only a new perspective on the world, but also step-by-step practices that can shake the pillars of your limited reality, and give you...
El bueno de Fasie quiere ir a ver una película que lleva esperando mucho tiempo sobre un superhéroe y hacer las paces con su amiga Astra en el cine, pero todos sus planes se van al traste por una enfermedad. El pequeño dragón Ludr insinúa una solución para este problema, lo que lleva a una nueva serie de sucesos increíbles para Fasie.Diez cuentos de hadas originales y educativos para enseñar a los niños y a sus padres a controlar sus sueños...
Diez cuentos de hadas originales y educativos para enseñar a los niños y a sus padres a controlar sus sueños y a utilizar sus capacidades para lograr una serie de objetivos en la vida cotidiana.Desde la infancia, crecemos acostumbrados a pensar que los sueños son una sucesión trivial de ilusiones sin sentido en los que se nos priva de voluntad propia. Michael Raduga, autor de los escandalosos Cuentos de Hadas de Fasieland, lo ve de otro modo....
Je suis confiant dans le fait que bientt, chacun pourra vivre consciemment dans les deux mondes !Mon but est de changer le monde et la vie de chaque personne en lui ouvrant les yeux sur ses véritables capacités…Pratiquer les états de phase de sommeil du cerveau est très à la mode aujourd'hui et fait l'objet de la passion la plus prometteuse. Contrairement aux époques passées, les termes comme « l'expérience extracorporelle » (EEC) ou «...
Phasie was a good boy and loved to go on walks with his friends and eat oatmeal for breakfast. Everything would have been perfect, were it not for one problem: an awful, purple dragon often came to scare him in his dreams. His attempt to solve this problem led to amazing discoveries and adventures.--Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will....
Diez cuentos de hadas originales y educativos para enseñar a los niños y a sus padres a controlar sus sueños y a utilizar sus capacidades para lograr una serie de objetivos en la vida cotidiana.Desde la infancia, crecemos acostumbrados a pensar que los sueños son una sucesión trivial de ilusiones sin sentido en los que se nos priva de voluntad propia. Michael Raduga, autor de los escandalosos Cuentos de Hadas de Fasieland, lo ve de otro modo....
Phasie attendait impatiemment de partir en voyage chez sa grand-mère, mais il apprit qu'il ne pourrait plus aller la voir ni déguster ses tartes aux pommes. Toutefois, Phasie refusa d'accepter cette perte et cela le conduisit vers des aventures incroyablement étranges.Dix contes originaux et éducatifs pour enseigner aux enfants ainsi qu'à leurs parents à contrler leurs rêves et utiliser leurs aptitudes pour atteindre une variété d'objectifs...
Diez cuentos de hadas originales y educativos para enseñar a los niños y a sus padres a controlar sus sueños y a utilizar sus capacidades para lograr una serie de objetivos en la vida cotidiana.Desde la infancia, crecemos acostumbrados a pensar que los sueños son una sucesión trivial de ilusiones sin sentido en los que se nos priva de voluntad propia. Michael Raduga, autor de los escandalosos Cuentos de Hadas de Fasieland, lo ve de otro modo....
Dix contes originaux et éducatifs pour enseigner aux enfants ainsi qu'à leurs parents à contrler leurs rêves et utiliser leurs aptitudes pour atteindre une variété d'objectifs dans leur vie de tous les jours.Depuis l'enfance, nous avons été conditionnés à penser que rêver était une succession futile d'illusions insignifiantes o nous sommes privés de notre libre arbitre. Michael Raduga, auteur de l'ouvrage à scandales Les contes Phasieland,...
The practice of phase states of the mind is the hottest and most promising pursuit of the modern age. Unlike in the past, the notions of "out-of-body experience" and "astral projection" have already lost their mystical halo, and their real basis has been studied in minute detail from the most non-nonsense approach. Now, this phenomenon is accessible to everyone, regardless of their worldview. It is now known how to easily master it and apply it effectively.This...
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to control their dreams and use their skills to accomplish a variety of goals in everyday life.Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body...
Phasie était un bon petit gars qui adorait aller se promener avec ses amis et manger des flocons d'avoine pour le petit déjeuner. Tout aurait été parfait s'il n'y avait pas eu un problème : un horrible dragon violet venait souvent lui faire peur dans ses rêves. Ses tentatives de résoudre ce problème le conduisirent vers d'incroyables découvertes et aventures.Dix contes originaux et éducatifs pour enseigner aux enfants ainsi qu'à leurs parents...